Hey people,
i'd just thought i'd let you know about a book being released by the brilliant uk horror/fantasy writer"Garry Charles".Its title is"Slavis"and if the cover is anything to go by it ain't for the faint hearted!
This will be available as a free,yes FREE download on September 1st.
Also available at the moment is the excellent"Death tide"
Check out garry's brilliant work at http://www.garrycharles.co.uk and download"Deathtide"to see what you've been missing!
Below is the Prologue for the forthcoming"Slavis".
jonny t.
The final two approached the cathedral on horseback, closely followed by
dark, rolling thunder heads that could be heard roaring in the distance. They had
travelled many miles together, carrying a cargo that was of the highest importance
to the Ministry. Without them the ceremony could not be performed and this
would be deemed unacceptable, if not catastrophic.
In carrying out their duties they had become wanted men and they both
knew that by daybreak they would be hanging from the gibbet by order of His
Royal Highness. They accepted this responsibility without question. What cost
their lives when compared to that of humanity? It was an honour to serve and it
would be an honour to die.
As they neared the towering structure of stone and stained glass they
glanced at each other and shared a grim smile. They had grown close over the last
year and were now much more than spiritual brothers, linked by murder, abduction
and a deep, undying love.
This was not the life they had expected to live, but it was the one they had
embraced when they first made their vows to the Ministry. They had faith in God.
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